Introductory Chemistry Lab Teaching Assistant
Undergraduate course, Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Chemistry, 2014
Lead a section of 20 students in experiments each week while helping students develop skills in lab safety, critical analysis, and chemical principles. Additionally, I assisted in grading worksheets, notebooks, lab reports, and exams for ~100 students.
Course Description
Specifically, I worked as a TA for AS.030.105 and AS.030.106. I have included the class descriptions for the associated lectures to further illustrate covered topics.
AS.030.101: An introduction to the fundamental principles of chemistry. The main topics to be covered are atomic and molecular structure at the level of dot structures and VSEPR geometries, the periodic table, stoichiometry and the balancing of chemical equations, the gas laws, the law of mass action and chemical equilibrium, acids and bases, and elementary chemical thermodynamics. Co-requisite: AS.030.105
AS.030.105: Laboratory work includes quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties.
AS.030.102: Continuation of AS.030.101 emphasizing chemical kinetics, chemical bonding. Topics: energy levels and wave functions for particle-in-a-box and hydrogen atom and approximate wave functions for molecules including introduction to hybrid orbitals.
AS.030.106: Laboratory work includes some quantitative analysis and the measurement of physical properties.