
Bioinformatics Supervisor

Undergraduate Supervisor, Dept. of Computer Science and Technology, University of Cambridge, 2021

Led 2-3 person study groups in working through theoretical and practical applications of core bioinformatics topics, including dynamic programming, phylogeny (UPGMA, Neighbour Joining, Parsimony), clustering (hard/soft K-means, hierarchical, Markov), genome sequencing (Hamiltonian and De Bruijn graphs), genome alignment (suffix tries and the Burrows-Wheeler Transform), and Hidden Markov Models (Viterbi algorithm, Baum-Welch learning).

Introduction to Python (BIOF309) Teaching Assistant

Graduate course, Fellowship for Advanced Education in the Sciences, 2019

Lectured on packaging projects and assisted in teaching and answering questions in a class of 75 students while helping students develop fundamental python skills, including Jupyter notebooks, data visualisation, and reading/writing files.

Introductory Chemistry Lab Teaching Assistant

Undergraduate course, Johns Hopkins University, Dept. of Chemistry, 2014

Lead a section of 20 students in experiments each week while helping students develop skills in lab safety, critical analysis, and chemical principles. Additionally, I assisted in grading worksheets, notebooks, lab reports, and exams for ~100 students.